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4/5 • Glassdoor rating


DDC FPO is your freight-focused back office partner. We are a North American division of The DDC Group, a global network of BPO experts and solutions. We process 30% of all LTL bills in the U.S. We deliver your back office needs including freight billing, rate auditing, POD processing, IT outsourcing, web/app services, finance & accounting, carrier onboarding, track ‘n’​ trace and more.



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$25 mil. - $50 mil.






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About DDC FPO: Review and comparison

Managing a freight operation can be demanding – the company must process freight bills, pay employees, arrange for future deliveries, onboard new drivers, organize load permits, and perform internal audits following local regulations. 

DDC FPO is the North American division of The DDC Group. The DDC Group is a global network of BPO experts with a lot of experience, expertise and solutions. 

DDC FPO Outsourcing

DDC FBO is part of The DDC Group, and its North American headquarters are conveniently located in Evergreen, Colorado. In addition to their American location, they also have headquarters in West Lancs, United Kingdom, and Manila, Philippines.

Their diverse locations allow them to serve a variety of needs by recruiting the most experienced professionals worldwide. 

DDC FPO’s BPO services and pricings

Freight hauling requires a large amount of back-office and front-office work in addition to the work of the drivers and laborers. It is not always feasible to maintain the scale of office work required to maintain a fleet of vehicles and drivers. By outsourcing your technical needs, more capital is available to grow your corporation. 

DDC FPO provides many services, tailorable to your specific needs and specifications:

Back-office solutions:

  • Freight Billing
  • DDC Intelligence
  • Freight Rate Auditing
  • POD Processing

Front-office solutions:

  • Carrier Onboarding
  • Track & Trace
  • Customer Lifecycle

Full-suite solutions:

  • IT Outsourcing
  • Customs Brokerage Processing

DDC Freight Process Outsourcing’s pricing

To bring you the most customized and comprehensive outsourcing available, DDC FPO encourages you to reach out directly. DDC FPO offers a wide range of services, training, and outsourcing options that allow freight companies to develop a system tailored to their needs, and within their budgets. 

DDC FPO provides custom solutions because they recognize that there is not a one-size-fits-all solution to freight management, and a tailored approach using their worldwide knowledge and experience is one of the best ways to find an approach that works for a client. 

How DDC FPO outshines its competition

Because DDC FPO can take advantage of the global capacity of The DDC Group, DDC FPO employs the most skilled and experienced staff globally to provide domestic freight companies with the best available outsourcing.

The leadership team at DDC FPO draws from many different education specialties, experiences, and training backgrounds to provide effective oversight to the teams. 

Key executives

Jan Trevalyan 

Co-founder and CEO

Art Zipkin 


Madison Conway 

Global Marketing Director

DDC FPO reviews and comparisons

DDC FPO (under The DDC Group) has been in business since 1989. Their depth of experience and the global reach of their companies gives them a leg up on the competition and the knowledge and skills required to develop tailored front- and back-office solutions for the freight industry. 

DDC FPO’s contact information

DDC FPO’s main headquarters is located in:


Further, you may virtually reach out the company through the following contact information:

In addition, you may email them at [email protected] or call 303-674-0681.


DDC FPO news, podcast & articles

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The Outsource Accelerator website has over 5,000 articles, 450+ podcast episodes, and a comprehensive directory with 4,000+ BPO companies… all designed to make it easier for clients to learn about – and engage with – outsourcing.

About Derek Gallimore

Derek Gallimore has been in business for 20 years, outsourcing for over eight years, and has been living in Manila (the heart of global outsourcing) since 2014. Derek is the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, and is regarded as a leading expert on all things outsourcing.

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