Outsource Accelerator Help Center

Let's make outsourcing hassle-free! If you need further assistance, feel free to email our team at [email protected].

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OA Source Partner

Source Partner Inbound Inquiries


OA Source Partner

Dashboard & Inbound Inquiries

Source Partner Inbound Inquiries

Are the leads you provide already qualified?

These are top-of-the-funnel inquiries. Their level of interest, readiness to get started, and knowledge about outsourcing will greatly vary. These individuals engaged with our website and interacted with various Call to Action buttons such as 'Book a Call,' 'Ask for a Quotation,' or 'Download a Free Toolkit.' These leads shared their interest in outsourcing by taking the initiative to provide their contact details and outsourcing requirements.

How do you distribute the leads?

Leads are distributed automatically on a rotational queue system, ensuring fairness and equal opportunity among our Source Partners. Leads who request three free quotes will be introduced to three partner BPOs, while those who requested a call or downloaded the toolkit are introduced to only one partner BPO.

How can I access the leads?

Once you sign up for Silver or higher subscription plans, your dashboard account will be activated, and an email account will be created for you. The leads introduced to you will reflect both in the dashboard, and an email notification will be sent at the same time.

What should I expect from these leads?

We want to ensure you have a clear understanding of what to expect from the leads in the outsourcing industry. Firstly, it's common for leads to explore options from multiple vendors before making a decision, so expect some comparison shopping. Large contracts, especially those exceeding $100,000, typically undergo thorough evaluation before signing. Initially, leads may display uncertainty or indifference, so patience and persistent nurturing are key.

Outsourcing is often viewed as a long-term investment rather than an immediate solution, so leads may not be in a rush to make a decision. The sales cycle for outsourcing projects can be lengthy, spanning weeks or even years, as clients weigh their options and assess their needs.

It's crucial to maintain ongoing communication and nurture relationships with leads, as some may decide to start outsourcing months after their initial inquiry. Additionally, keep in mind that converted clients often start with small projects, even if they represent larger companies.

Encouraging full-time hires over part-time arrangements can often provide better value in the long run.

Can you filter the leads according to our preferences?

We have started exploring lead segmentation. Since leads will be filtered, expect that the pricing will be higher. If you're interested in learning more about this option and its potential costs, feel free to schedule a call with our team.

Who should I talk to regarding lead quality?

You can reach out to us via email at [email protected], and we'll promptly arrange a meeting to discuss any concerns you may have.

Will Outsource Accelerator help in closing the deals?

No. The Sales journey happens between the BPO company and the leads. Outsource Accelerator will no longer be involved in the sales process.

Do you charge a commission for closed deals?

No. We do not charge any commissions for closed deals.