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Home » Articles » Building a high-performing nearshore development team in Australia

Building a high-performing nearshore development team in Australia

Many companies are now realizing the benefits of nearshore development. Australia, in particular, is a good example of a country looking to outsource software development nearshore.

According to Statista, Australia’s software development sector is experiencing strong growth. This is due to the high demand for products and services that enable digitization. The country’s software market is estimated to reach US $11.45 billion in 2023.

This data bolsters Australia’s massive tech job market, which is very competitive. For various reasons, local tech companies are straining to fill and keep roles in the sector. 

That’s why more Australian tech businesses are turning to offshoring – and it doesn’t exempt outsourcing jobs needed in software development.

In this article, we’ll explore the advantages of building a nearshore development team in Australia and how a premier outsourcing company like Arcanys can help.

Defining nearshore development

Nearshore development is outsourcing software development tasks to a neighboring country or region. These places usually have a similar time zone with the company looking to outsource from them.

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An example of nearshore software development is when Australian businesses can access nearby nations to build a high-performing software development team.

Defining nearshore development

Why you should build a nearshore development team 

Businesses in Australia can experience many benefits when they hire software developers from other countries. 

The Philippines is a prime example of a compatible nearshoring destination. Like the Oceanian country, the Philippines is known for its highly skilled IT and software development talent pool.

Here are a couple of reasons to nearshore development teams:

  • Australia is in a similar time zone to many other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. It makes it easier to collaborate with teams in those countries. Nearshoring to countries like the Philippines also makes it easier for Australian firms to visit if needed.
  • Australia is known for its high living standards and wages. This makes nearshore software development a cost-effective solution compared to onshore development. 
  • When you hire software developers from nearby countries, you benefit from cultural and language similarities.
  • Nearshoring a development team reduces the risks associated with offshoring to more distant locations.
  • Building a nearshore software development team allows businesses to access new technologies and expertise that may not be available in Australia.

Arcanys is a top choice if you want to assemble a nearshore development for your Australian tech startup or SME.

The outsourcing firm is known for providing the best talent in the software development sector, offering access to a highly skilled workforce from the Philippines.

How to build a high-performance nearshore development team in Australia

Building an effective nearshore development team in Australia requires careful planning and execution. Consider the following steps to ensure success:

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1. Define your requirements

Start by clearly defining your project requirements and objectives. Determine the specific technical skills, experience level, and expertise needed for your development team.

This step helps in identifying the right candidates and streamlining the recruitment process.

2. Partner with a reliable nearshore development provider

Collaborating with a reputable nearshore development provider that can streamline the hiring process and provide access to a pre-vetted talent pool. 

Look for a company with a proven track record, positive client testimonials, and expertise in your industry. 

Arcanys has a detailed checklist and guide that can help you choose the right outsourcing provider.

3. Conduct  thorough interviews

Conduct  thorough interviews when selecting candidates from your nearshore software development provider. 

Firms like Arcanys have a pre-vetted pool of candidates already screened and recognized as viable developers. All you have to do is interview from the selection and choose people that will fit your business needs.

Assess their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit within your organization. Technical assessments, coding challenges, and behavioral interviews can help evaluate their suitability for your project.

4. Foster effective communication and collaboration

Establish clear communication channels between your onshore and nearshore teams. Leverage collaboration tools, video conferencing platforms, and project management software to facilitate seamless interactions. 

In addition, onboarding an outsourced team the same way you would your core team contributes to the necessary understanding of business goals.

Regularly schedule meetings, provide timely feedback, and encourage open communication to ensure alignment and productivity.

5. Invest in team building and cultural integration

Promote team building and cultural integration initiatives to foster a cohesive and motivated nearshore software development department. 

Arrange virtual team-building activities, encourage knowledge sharing, and create opportunities for cross-team collaboration. This investment strengthens the bond between team members and enhances overall productivity and satisfaction.

How to build a high-performance nearshore development team in Australia

Tips for building the best nearshore development team in Australia

Here are some additional tips for building the best nearshore development team in Australia:

  •  Check platforms like Clutch that provide verified reviews of outsourcing providers. It helps give an idea of the kind of service a staff augmentation firm can contribute to your business.
  • Consider cultural differences when building your team. Nearby countries are likely to have a diverse population. So hire software developers who can work well together despite cultural differences. The Philippines is a great offshoring partner for Australian businesses. This is because both countries share cultural similarities. Plus, Filipinos are very accommodating, making them great to work with.
  • Choose a nearshore development partner with experience working with Australian companies who can support you in building a successful team.
  • Implement agile project management methodologies to enhance flexibility, adaptability, and collaboration within your software development team.
  • Retain key talent by providing competitive compensation, growth opportunities, and recognition for their achievements. 

Form a high-performing nearshore development team with Arcanys

Arcanys is a leading outsourcing provider based in the Philippines. It specializes in building high-performing software development teams that can serve anywhere in the world, especially Australia.

When you assemble a nearshore development team in Australia with Arcanys, you can access teams showcasing their software development experience and in-depth knowledge of:

  • Javascript
  • Angular
  • NodeJS
  • ReactJS
  • .NET
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Mobile cross-platform
  • C++

Contact Arcanys to start forming a top nearshore development team. You may also visit its website to learn more about its featured services. 

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About Derek Gallimore

Derek Gallimore has been in business for 20 years, outsourcing for over eight years, and has been living in Manila (the heart of global outsourcing) since 2014. Derek is the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, and is regarded as a leading expert on all things outsourcing.

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