The Hospital Staffing Crisis – Offshore Can Help – Today

When will hospitals go remote
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When will hospitals go remote?

Hospitals around the world are severely understaffed and nearing breaking point. Staff shortages, particularly in nursing, are choking global healthcare systems. 

The American Hospital Association called it a “national emergency,” projecting the overall shortage of nurses to reach 1.1 million by 2023.

The UK’s NHS is “facing the worst staffing crisis in history” with a growing shortage of 50,000 nurses, 12,000 doctors, and 110,000 roles in total.

Patients face lengthening treatment delays, staff are exhausted, hospitals are faltering, and people are dying. And with ballooning shortages, there’s no end in sight.

Go offshore!

Offshoring provides a partial answer to this staffing crisis. While it isn’t a complete solution, it can relieve the unbearable pressure on the system and provide long-term support.

And it can start today! Thousands of qualified nurses, medical support staff, and administrators can immediately reinforce the creaking hospitals.

These staff will work remotely, logging in from countries like the Philippines. There are many ways that additional remote staff can support the workload of the core staff, and it’s already happening.

Go offshore!
Go offshore!

Computer-enhanced care

Everyone has a vision of an archetypal nursing role: very physical, attending to the needs of bedbound patients, helping with showers, and managing drips and meds. In reality, nurses spend increasing amounts of time in front of a computer, filing reports, and managing the medical care process.

In fact, many hospital functions are done from in front of a computer or screen. Things like admissions, assessments, triage, discharge, patient monitoring, reports, patient liaison, and multitudinous jobs around patient admin, billing, pharmacy, and general operations.

If a job is done using a computer, then it can likely be done offshore. I expect 30-40% of jobs and roles can be done remotely – offshore.

All of these functions are potential candidates for offshoring. Even the ‘medical’ roles are good candidates.

For run-of-the-mill admissions, a nurse sitting in the Philippines could easily manage the process. They could talk with the patient directly via an iPad or simple console, entering the details straight into the system.

There are thousands of different jobs within a hospital, and many can be done remotely from offshore.

Ready to deploy. Now.

This is not a futuristic concept, or hypothesis. It is happening now. It’s tested, proven, safe (HIPAA, PCI, ISO compliant), cost-effective, and viable.

It takes a little creativity from each hospital to reorganize workflows and implement some new systems, but it’s quickly achievable.

Plus, there’s an opportunity for significant cost savings! Salaries are typically 70% cheaper. So the hospital systems can stop hemorrhaging cash.

There’s a staffing crisis happening, and people are dying. Meanwhile, there are highly skilled resources sitting offshore, and they are ready to work.

If any of you know any hospitals, please give them a nudge. We can help.

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About Derek Gallimore

Derek Gallimore has been in business for 20 years, outsourcing for over eight years, and has been living in Manila (the heart of global outsourcing) since 2014. Derek is the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, and is regarded as a leading expert on all things outsourcing.