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Hybrid recruitment: Definition, pros, and cons

Hybrid recruitment Definition, pros, and cons

It is no surprise that online recruitment and virtual interviews are all the rage now. They are easy to do, hassle-free for both the interviewer and the interviewee, and drive results quickly.

However, that is not to say that traditional recruitment is out the door. After all, face-to-face interviews and getting to know someone in person are still important parts of finding the perfect candidate.

What if you could combine both methods and give the candidate the best of both worlds? This can be accomplished through a new method called hybrid recruitment.

This article tackles the pros and cons of hybrid recruitment and some tips to keep in mind.

What is hybrid recruitment?

Hybrid recruitment is a type of recruitment that incorporates elements of both traditional and digital hiring as part of the overall talent acquisition process.

This is not limited to interviews only, as hybrid recruitment covers the entire process, from screening candidates to onboarding.

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Companies can save on costs and increase their reach in finding diverse and talented candidates by merging both online and offline recruitment tactics.

What is hybrid recruitment
What is hybrid recruitment

Hybrid recruitment vs. Traditional recruitment

The main difference between hybrid and traditional recruitment is that virtual or online means. Strategies of recruitment are the foundation of the entire process, even if experiences are in person.

For example, instead of traditional recruitment methods, such as posting a job listing in a newspaper or print ad, companies now utilize technology and digital means to look for potential candidates.

This may include reaching out on social media platforms or posting on online forums. They extend beyond job postings and can even apply in interviews and onboarding.

Why is hybrid recruitment important?

Without hybrid recruitment, companies would have to stick with traditional recruitment, which comes with a lot of limitations.

Traditional recruitment typically uses up more time and resources on things like job fairs, print ads, and newspaper listings.

If companies stuck to traditional recruitment today, it would be extremely difficult to find candidates, and all the time and effort would go to waste.

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Hybrid recruitment allows companies to reduce time and costs by utilizing online tools to streamline the entire process. People can get hired faster, and companies can increase their reach of potential candidates.

Pros of hybrid recruitment

Hybrid recruitment is nothing new, as it has provided several benefits to companies and employees. 

Here are some reasons to take advantage of:

Increased speed and efficiency

Utilizing both traditional and digital recruitment methods allows your HR department to work faster and more efficiently.

Thanks to technology and online recruitment methods, you not only have the necessary materials for recruitment but can also streamline the whole process.

This includes online interviews and automated screening tools, which help reduce time-to-hire. You now have a lot more time and flexibility in the schedule for other responsibilities. Plus, candidates can get hired relatively quickly.

Wider reach of candidates

Hybrid recruitment allows you to tap into a larger pool of talent from all around the world. 

Thanks to technology’s ability to reach anywhere worldwide, talent pools are not limited to where your business is located, which is especially important for fully remote companies.

By taking advantage of social media and the millions of people on it, businesses can reach out and offer jobs to potential candidates, regardless of location. It breaks down geographical barriers and makes the hiring process much faster.

Wider reach of candidates

Improved candidate experience

Businesses nowadays prioritize candidate experience by making the hiring process seamless and hassle-free. Hybrid recruitment allows you to communicate easily with candidates and create personalized experiences for them.

The more convenient the application process is for the candidate, the easier it is for the company to retain them. Furthermore, the candidate is more likely to accept the job offer.

If a candidate experiences a positive hiring process, they are more likely to recommend the company to others, further enhancing the company’s reputation.

Enhanced reputation

Speaking of reputation, hybrid recruitment helps the company brand itself as one that responds well to changes. It shows that it is updated with new technologies and that its hiring strategies revolve around these changes.

Through this, the company develops a positive reputation, attracting more candidates and leading to greater retention.

Reduced costs

Hybrid recruiting reduces costs significantly by removing the need to set aside a budget for traditional hiring methods like job fairs or classified ads. It makes the hiring process cheaper and, sometimes, even free. 

For example, you do not have to spend any money to post a job listing on LinkedIn or contact a potential candidate via social media, email, or chat. 

Moreover, because hybrid recruitment has lower costs, employers can use the remaining budget for other important company matters. 


As digital recruitment started to become more and more normalized, companies everywhere would adapt to this change to prepare for the future.

This could be seen throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Companies that implemented a hybrid recruitment system had already responded and were able to proceed normally and even thrive.

Hybrid recruitment is a great future-proofing tactic, especially for firms that still use mainly traditional methods. 

As technology and recruitment continue to evolve, businesses must adjust accordingly to prevent being left behind.

Cons of hybrid recruitment

While hybrid recruitment presents many benefits, it has some potential drawbacks that companies must be aware of.

Initial costs

Cost is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Hybrid recruitment allows you to save up on costs, but it still requires the necessary finances to succeed.

For example, companies still need the budget to pay for software, onboarding, and the candidate’s compensation if they get hired.

This is a big drawback for newer and smaller businesses that do not have the initial investment or have limited resources for these factors.

Lack of personal touch

Reliance on technology may take away some of the personal aspects of recruitment, such as meeting your candidate in person versus over a computer screen or phone call.

Human interaction is still a big part of recruitment as it helps employers learn about candidates’ demeanor and attitude, which may be more difficult to gauge over a video call.

Limited assessment of soft skills

Similarly, some recruitment tools may have limitations in assessing soft skills like interpersonal abilities, cultural fit, and presentability.

These intangible qualities are a lot easier to evaluate when meeting a candidate through an in-person interview.

Hybrid recruitment tips to remember

You must be well-prepared before tackling hybrid recruitment. Here are some useful tips to remember:

Create a hiring strategy

Like any type of recruitment, hybrid recruitment cannot be approached blindly. It requires a well-thought-out and sustainable approach that will yield positive results in the long run.

Take the time to analyze relevant recruitment metrics and utilize helpful software to smoothen the process. Additionally, try to come up with achievable goals and KPIs to guide your strategy.

Be selective about where you post job listings

When posting job listings online, do not just post on any site that you come across, or else it may come across as spammy or repetitive. 

Some job portals have more visitors than others, so it is best to think about where your target groups go to look for jobs.

You are more likely to get results from a mix of general and specialized job portals, as these target a wide range of people and the most relevant candidates.

Be selective about where you post job listings
Hybrid recruitment tips to remember

Develop a smooth orientation process

You want the hiring process to be seamless until your candidate’s first day on the job.

To achieve that, you must create a smooth integration and onboarding process, which creates a positive experience for new hires.

Employees may not last long in the company if they are not oriented properly. Remember to communicate the roles and expectations of the position well to ease the candidate’s transition.

Best practices for building a hybrid recruiting strategy

Your hybrid recruitment strategy will only succeed with the right practices. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

Continuous learning and adaptation

As mentioned earlier, the recruitment process is evolving as companies come up with new ways to hire and adapt to these changes.

It is crucial to stay updated on different hiring trends and new recruitment practices to secure the best candidates possible and gain a competitive advantage over other companies.

Prioritize candidate experience

One of the most important parts of recruitment is making sure the candidates feel valued throughout the process.

Take the necessary proactive measures to show that you appreciate their time and effort in applying for the position. Regardless of which candidate is hired or not, remember to acknowledge their achievements and thank them for considering your company.

Maintain virtual relationships

Maintaining personal connections matters in every business, whether they are virtual or not. Candidates like feeling valued and treated well by employers, even if they are meeting online.

You can foster these connections through personalized messages and maintaining transparency throughout the entire process.

Moving forward with hybrid recruitment

Hybrid recruitment has been changing the way businesses look for new talent. 

With the rise of online recruitment software and networking platforms, combined with in-person recruitment, things are a lot easier and quicker. No wonder the job market has become very competitive.

Consider a hybrid recruitment strategy if you want to experience all its rewards and find the best people who will propel your business to new heights.

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Derek Gallimore has been in business for 20 years, outsourcing for over eight years, and has been living in Manila (the heart of global outsourcing) since 2014. Derek is the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, and is regarded as a leading expert on all things outsourcing.

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