While businesses strive to ramp up digitalization, most industries have to simultaneously deal with gaps in their workforce. In the marketing industry, the demand for data and analytics roles have steadily increased but businesses are struggling to fill these vacancies.
Over the course of two years, business have taken leaps and bounds towards technological advancements. While this is a good thing, it is leaving some void in the labor force.
In an article on Marketing Tech News, Act-On, a marketing automation platform shares the role of automation in new normal marketing.
Andy Rice, director of demand generation at Act-On says that 46 per cent of businesses have been struggling to fill data and analytics roles for marketing.
With this unprecedented growth in job vacancies, marketers must adopt new strategies to attract and retain talent in marketing roles, Rice says.
Rice also shares that automation can help reconcile the gaps in the marketing industry. By leveraging an automation platform, professionals can streamline various marketing efforts, allowing them to focus on meaningful tasks rather than time-consuming administrative work. Provided with rich and accurate data, marketers can easily leverage consumer insights to tailor content to what customers and prospects are looking for. Consequently, these platforms help marketers provide greater personalization, improve efficiency, increase key performance indicators, and drive more leads and greater revenue.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can also be very useful tools for marketers. These can significantly simplify data processing across various organizations. These tools can also assist in identifying trends and patterns, tasks that are not easily and quickly done by human employees.
However, Rice advises that companies still require people to process this data and manage the interpersonal aspects. This is why it is important to develop an emotional understanding of the customer and leverage their insights into useful consumer data.
While technology provides tools that are useful and helpful to marketing practitioners, humans still play a vital role. Technology is solely for task and process automation.