4-day workweeks are earning five-star reviews from some employers

4-day workweeks are earning five-star reviews from some employers
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  • 4-day workweeks are earning five-star reviews from some employers

Workplace arrangements are not the only ones affected by the pandemic. Some companies have started adopting four-day workweeks, effectively reducing weekly work hours from 40 to 32. 

And the catch? Salaries remain the same, which makes every Friday a paid holiday.

The shortened week is a winner for some companies who have started implementing, one of which is video game publisher Gun Interactive. 

Its CEO Wes Keltner said that this new arrangement compels its employees to stay focused and complete their tasks on time. 

At the same time, workers return to their offices on Mondays with a full head of creative steam because they’ve had sufficient downtime.

If a four-day workweek at five-day pay sounds exotic for some people, you are not alone. We are used to seeing salary reductions if people have not done 40 hours of work per week.

But most business owners are willing to try new ways of doing things to retain and attract employees to their organization. Even ones that wouldn’t have occurred to them before the pandemic.

However, with the movement gaining popularity, we cannot help but wonder what impact this would have on businesses and customers.  

How would customers respond, for instance, to learn the service desk they want to contact is closed on Fridays? 

Can employees finish what needs to be done for the week in 32 hours, or would employers need to take on additional help or pay overtime?

What about startup firms that offer stock as “sweat equity” to employees in exchange for round-the-clock commitments? I guess time will only tell. 

Read more here.

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Derek Gallimore has been in business for 20 years, outsourcing for over eight years, and has been living in Manila (the heart of global outsourcing) since 2014. Derek is the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, and is regarded as a leading expert on all things outsourcing.