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10 conversation intelligence software to try in 2024

10 conversation intelligence software to try in 2024

List of best conversation intelligence software

  1. Gong.io
  2. Zoom AI Companion (formerly Zoom IQ)
  3. Avoma
  4. Salesloft
  5. Clari
  6. Chorus by ZoomInfo
  7. Outreach
  8. Jiminny
  9. Mindtickle
  10. Revenue.io

Communication is crucial in driving sales and improving customer satisfaction. It can help businesses establish and maintain meaningful customer relationships and optimize sales strategies.

However, communication and collaboration have become increasingly complex, especially with the transition to remote work. Conversation intelligence software has become a valuable tool for organizations in response to this challenge.

Conversation intelligence software enables organizations to extract insights and gain valuable information from recorded sales and customer conversations.

These software solutions use AI and machine learning algorithms to transcribe and analyze customer communication channels such as:

  • Phone calls
  • Video conferences
  • Meetings

With conversation intelligence software, organizations can unlock hidden patterns, identify best practices, and optimize sales strategies.

These software tools offer various features to streamline processes, enhance customer interactions, improve coaching and training, and drive revenue growth.

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In this article, we have listed the ten best conversation intelligence software you should consider in 2024.

What is conversation intelligence software?

Conversation intelligence software enables organizations to analyze, transcribe, extract insights, and gain valuable information from customer communication channels.

What is conversation intelligence software
What is conversation intelligence software?

It can extract data from phone calls, video conferences, and meetings. Its automation features enable businesses to:

Insights gathered from the tool’s extracted data allow teams to make data-driven decisions that drive revenue growth and customer satisfaction.

Benefits of using conversation intelligence software

Using conversation intelligence software provides several key advantages for businesses.

Improved sales performance

Conversation intelligence software enables sales teams to gain valuable insights into customer interactions. With this, they can identify successful sales techniques and improve overall performance.

By analyzing customer conversations, sales teams can make data-driven decisions that optimize the sales process and improve customer satisfaction.

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Enhanced coaching and training

With conversation intelligence software, sales managers can review and analyze recorded conversations, enabling them to provide targeted coaching and training to their teams.

This can help sales teams build their skills, become more effective, and drive revenue growth.

Effective customer engagement

Organizations can better understand their client’s needs and preferences by analyzing customer conversations. When combined with call listening and recording, insights from these systems can help generate personalized and engaging interactions. 

Using these conversations, teams can enhance customer satisfaction and improve customer retention rates.

Compliance and risk mitigation

Conversation intelligence software helps businesses ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. These systems usually have predefined tools to monitor and identify potential risks or violations during customer interactions. 

Conversation intelligence software can help organizations avoid costly penalties and reputational damage.

Data-driven decision-making

Businesses can extract valuable insights and trends by analyzing a large volume of conversations. This empowers them to make data-driven decisions that drive revenue growth and customer satisfaction.

Features to look for in conversation intelligence software

When choosing conversation intelligence software, it’s essential to consider specific features that align with your business needs. 

Here are some key features to look for:

Automatic call transcription

Accurate and real-time transcription capabilities enable easy search and analysis of recorded conversations. 

The transcription feature should be able to capture the entire conversation accurately, including background noise and multiple speakers.

AI-powered insights

Advanced AI algorithms can identify sentiment analysis, keyword spotting, objection detection, and other valuable insights that can help optimize sales strategies.

Look for a suitable system that can help teams and managers identify sales patterns that work and steer away from tactics that don’t work.

AI-powered insights
Features to look for in conversation intelligence software

Integration capabilities

Look for software that integrates seamlessly with your existing CRM and communication tools to ensure a unified and efficient workflow.

A seamless integration between your existing software and conversation intelligence software allows for a more efficient sales process. It helps with better alignment between sales and marketing teams, and improves your customer understanding.

User-friendly interface

An intuitive and user-friendly interface makes navigating and extracting actionable insights from the software easier for your team.

A well-designed user interface is essential as it allows teams to quickly find relevant information without going through a complicated process.

It also helps ease training new staff in using the tool.

Customizable dashboards and visual reports

Customizing dashboards and reports allows for personalized analytics and visualization of key performance metrics. This feature allows sales managers to see valuable insights quickly so they can adjust their sales strategies accordingly.

10 best conversation intelligence software to use in 2024

Here are the ten best conversation intelligence software options to consider in 2024:

1. Gong.io

Gong.io offers advanced conversation analytics and actionable insights, empowering sales teams to enhance performance and drive revenue growth.

Gong.io’s platform includes AI-driven conversation analytics, personalized coaching, and training to ensure sales team success.

2. Zoom AI Companion (formerly Zoom IQ)

Zoom AI Companion leverages transcription and analytics to provide valuable insights from recorded meetings and video conferences.

AI Companion enables organizations to extract insights from video conferences and meetings that deliver personalized coaching and training to teams.

3. Avoma

Avoma focuses on extracting insights and coaching sales teams through AI-driven conversation analysis and collaboration tools. Avoma’s platform provides personalized insights into sales performance and offers targeted training and coaching opportunities.

4. Salesloft

Salesloft offers conversation analytics and coaching capabilities, helping sales teams focus on improving their strategies and closing deals successfully. 

Salesloft’s platform enables sales teams to receive coaching and training that matches their unique sales styles.

5. Clari

Clari provides conversation intelligence solutions that integrate seamlessly with CRM and help drive revenue, predict risks, and identify opportunities.

The platform improves the sales process by providing predictive analytics and sales insights, ensuring that organizations optimize sales opportunities.

6. Chorus by ZoomInfo

Chorus by ZoomInfo enables organizations to analyze and optimize their sales conversations, improving sales effectiveness and customer satisfaction. 

It leverages customer insights to optimize performance and identify best practices.

7. Outreach

Outreach offers conversation intelligence features that streamline sales workflows, enhance customer interactions, and provide actionable insights.

Its software allows for identifying and replicating successful sales tactics across the team.

8. Jiminny

Jiminny combines AI-driven conversation analytics with coaching and collaboration tools, helping sales teams improve performance and close deals faster.

The software focuses on building sales teams’ skills and provides insights into the performance of each member.

9. Mindtickle

MindTickle focuses on sales readiness and coaching by analyzing role-playing scenarios and providing actionable feedback to improve sales skills. 

It provides targeted training and coaching that helps sales teams enhance their skills and capabilities.

10. Revenue.io

Revenue.io provides comprehensive conversation analytics and revenue intelligence tools, enabling businesses to optimize their sales strategies and drive revenue growth.

Revenue.io offers valuable insights into the customer sales journey, providing essential information for revenue growth optimization.

Choose the best conversation intelligence software now

Choosing the right conversation intelligence software can significantly impact your business’s bottom line. Consider your specific needs and the features each software option offers when deciding.

Organizations can harness the power of advanced analytics, drive revenue growth, and strengthen customer relationships.

Choose the best conversation intelligence software now
Choose the best conversation intelligence software now

The challenge of remote work requires innovative solutions that enable effective communication and collaboration. Conversation intelligence software provides businesses the tools to optimize customer interactions, make data-driven decisions, and enhance sales performance.

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About Derek Gallimore

Derek Gallimore has been in business for 20 years, outsourcing for over eight years, and has been living in Manila (the heart of global outsourcing) since 2014. Derek is the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, and is regarded as a leading expert on all things outsourcing.

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