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An overview of delegative leadership

An overview of delegative leadership

Delegative leadership stands as a distinctive leadership style. It grants team members authority, allowing them to make their own decisions. 

This leadership style can be highly effective in certain situations but may also present challenges if people are not well-equipped to handle the responsibility. 

In this article, we’ll examine the principles, benefits, and examples of delegative leadership. 

What is delegative leadership?

Delegative leadership, or laissez-faire leadership, is a management style where leaders grant significant decision-making authority to their team members. 

In delegative leadership, the leader entrusts tasks and responsibilities to others within the team. They take a hands-off approach and provide minimal guidance, allowing team members to determine how to accomplish those tasks. 

Delegative leaders occasionally provide a framework or set of guidelines, but the execution and decision-making processes are left to the team’s discretion. 

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This method is rooted in the belief that team members possess the necessary skills and expertise to handle their responsibilities independently. 

Delegative leadership encourages creativity, initiative, and skill development. However, its effectiveness relies heavily on the competence and motivation of team members.   

What is delegative leadership
What is delegative leadership?

Pros of delegative leadership

Delegative leadership comes with several potential advantages that can contribute to organizational success: 

  • Empowers team members – Delegative leadership promotes individual skill development and growth by allowing members to take ownership of tasks. 
  • Fosters creativity and innovation –  The autonomy of delegative leadership fosters a culture of initiative and creativity, with members free to think outside the box. 
  • Enhances employee engagement and motivation – Granting autonomy signals trust in the abilities of team members, leading to increased motivation and engagement. 
  • Prevents burnout – Delegative leadership reduces burnout by distributing responsibilities among a team, lifting the weight from supervisors and managers. 
  • Promotes a collaborative culture – Delegative leaders often cultivate a collaborative culture due to open communication and a shared decision-making process.
  • Saves time – Delegating decision-making reduces the need for constant oversight. This can free up time for leaders to focus on bigger-picture strategies, trusting that their team can handle day-to-day tasks efficiently.

Cons of delegative leadership

Delegative leadership, while offering certain advantages, also carries potential drawbacks that leaders need to be mindful of:

  • Potential lack of direction – When leaders are too hands-off, delegative leadership might lead to ambiguity or confusion, especially when team members lack clear direction or guidance.
  • Risk of miscommunication – If communication is poor, it may amplify conflicts and misunderstandings that the team members may be incapable of handling. 
  • Difficulty in crisis management During crises or urgent situations, a lack of centralized decision-making may impact the team’s ability to respond effectively. 
  • Dependency on employee motivation – If individuals lack the intrinsic drive to take the initiative, delegative leadership will fail. 
  • Team conflict – Without a strong leader to mediate conflicts, disagreements among team members may escalate.  

Key elements of delegative leadership

Here are some key elements that define the approach and implementation of delegative leadership:


Delegative leaders place a high level of trust in the capabilities and expertise of their members.
This trust is fundamental to the success of delegative leadership, as it empowers individuals and encourages them to take ownership of their work. 

It isn’t just about believing in their skills; it’s also about instilling confidence in their judgment and abilities to handle responsibilities.

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This creates an environment where team members feel valued, respected, and capable, thus propelling them to excel in their roles.

Key elements of delegative leadership
Key elements of delegative leadership


The core of delegative leadership is assigning decision-making authority to team members. 

Leaders provide members with the autonomy to choose their tasks and responsibilities. It’s not about leaving them stranded but rather providing a framework within which they can operate independently.


Effective communication is crucial in delegative leadership. The leader must communicate clear expectations regarding roles, standards, and timelines. 

Encouraging an environment where questions, concerns, or clarifications are welcomed creates a safety net for individuals to seek guidance or assistance whenever required.

Monitoring and feedback

Even with autonomy, delegative leadership involves monitoring progress and providing feedback on performance. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions help maintain accountability and ensure that the project is on track. 

Leaders must be mindful to strike a balance between providing guidance and allowing room for independence. 

Support and guidance 

Delegative leaders offer support and guidance when team members require assistance. They act as mentors, providing advice and resources to help develop skills and overcome challenges. 

Results-oriented focus

Delegative leaders are typically more concerned with outcomes than the specific methods used to achieve them. This results-oriented approach allows for flexibility in how tasks are executed.

Recognition of individual strengths

Delegative leaders recognize and leverage each team member’s unique strengths and skills. This involves assigning tasks based on individual capabilities, ensuring that responsibilities align with the strengths of those entrusted with them.

By incorporating these key elements, delegative leaders create a balanced approach that fosters autonomy, accountability, and collaboration.

Examples of delegative leadership

Delegative leadership is often evident in various professional settings. Here are a few examples that illustrate its applications: 

Project management

In a project management scenario, a team leader may delegate specific tasks to individual team members. This could include assigning roles, setting deadlines, and allowing team members to decide about their areas of expertise. 

The leader remains available for guidance but empowers the team to take ownership of their respective tasks.

Research and development teams

Team leaders can employ delegative leadership in research and development settings. They allow scientists, engineers, or researchers the autonomy to explore innovative ideas and methodologies. 

This approach encourages creativity and empowers team members to make critical decisions to pursue groundbreaking solutions.

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About Derek Gallimore

Derek Gallimore has been in business for 20 years, outsourcing for over eight years, and has been living in Manila (the heart of global outsourcing) since 2014. Derek is the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, and is regarded as a leading expert on all things outsourcing.

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