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What is a management trainee?

A manager who is truly qualified for their job and excels at it doesn’t just appear out of thin air. Not anyone can earn that title. 

To prepare candidates for a management role, a qualified employee is put under an immersive, months-long training. They take the role of a management trainee.

Employees who want to become managers and have the potential for it undergo a lot of working experience. They must have deep knowledge in numerous aspects of different roles.

Not only that, but they also have the utmost devotion to their company, enough to commit to being a manager.

Management trainees are hired by a company with the sole intent of training and preparing them for a future management role within that organization.

In this article, you will find out more about what a management trainee is and what they do during their training. 

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Management trainee definition

Management trainees, also referred to as “MTs,”  undergo training that enables them to advance to management roles within a company. The management trainee position may be available to an employee after a certain amount of experience and a promising performance history. 

Management trainees work closely with senior employees and executives, from whom they learn skills and gain knowledge deemed necessary to successfully manage a company.

On top of this, an MT must also focus on learning and personal development.

Management trainee definition
Management trainee definition

What are the duties of a management trainee?

A management trainee must be good at multitasking. During their training, they will play the role of a student, an assistant, a manager, and a general employee, all at the same time. 

These are all vital aspects of being a management trainee; each has to be given the appropriate amount of attention.

The specific responsibilities of a management trainee may vary depending on the company and their industry. Nevertheless, trainees must prove themselves worthy of a management role by completing various duties, some of which are listed below. 

They may be applying for a higher position that requires years of experience, but management trainees are still similar to students or interns.

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Some responsibilities of a management trainee that are closely related to that of an intern are:

  • Participating in lectures, conferences, and workshops that provide relevant learning opportunities
  • Observing experienced staff members, taking notes of learnings
  • Creating projects and oral presentations
  • Meeting all requirements and goals established by superiors at the start of the training
  • Passing examinations and evaluations
  • Studying effective conflict resolution and observing disciplinary hearings
  • Report on the progress of goals and objectives

Unquestionably, management trainees have duties related to working as a manager of some degree. This is the most important facet of their training.

Their duties which are highly related to management include:

  • Managing a small team under the supervision of a senior personnel
  • Performance monitoring and evaluation of relevant employees
  • Participating in all aspects of the hiring process (interviews, hiring, onboarding new hires)
  • Working in different departments (such as customer service, sales, marketing). This is to gain a full perspective of the whole company, pertaining to employee experience, standards, established procedures, and effective methods for specific tasks

A management trainee also serves as support to senior executives and other employees. Duties relating to assistance include:

  • Assisting with day-to-day operations
  • Preparing documents and updating records
  • Provide support as needed in the various tasks and departments (customer service, reporting, data entry, presentations, strategic planning)
  • Collaborating with existing managers to plan the work output for the company
  • Providing assistance in the development and establishment of policies and objectives

Finally, here are the duties of a management trainee specific to the company they work for:

  • Understanding company policies, protocols, and processes
  • Following all company regulations as well as health and safety codes
  • Working with established client accounts

To be an effective manager and true leader, a management trainee must accomplish their duties.

Aside from the ones listed above, and some other official responsibilities, a management trainee must also be a good co-worker and someone that clients trust and rely on.

All of these shouldn’t be rushed in a short amount of time; a trainee must be fully immersed in the work before they’re established as a manager. 

What are the duties of a management trainee

The role of management trainees in a company’s future

Management trainees play an incredibly important role in the future of their respective companies and departments. They are an organization’s next generation of leaders. 

Additionally, they are responsible for showing the ropes to the management trainees of their time. 

The curriculum provided to management trainees can make or break the future of a company. For this reason, it must be meticulously planned.

The most significant set of skills and knowledge should be involved and properly taught with no stones left unturned. The instruction should be accomplished over a sufficient period of time and done by the people who are most qualified.

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About Derek Gallimore

Derek Gallimore has been in business for 20 years, outsourcing for over eight years, and has been living in Manila (the heart of global outsourcing) since 2014. Derek is the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, and is regarded as a leading expert on all things outsourcing.

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