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Mobile recruiting: A guide to building a mobile-first strategy

Mobile recruiting A guide to building a mobile-first strategy

Smartphones and everyday lives go hand-in-hand nowadays.

Statista records around 6.4 billion smartphone users in 2022. There’s no doubt that almost every task, including job hunting, can be done through mobile.

Mobile recruiting has revolutionized how companies attract and hire talent by leveraging the widespread use of mobile devices. This provides a convenient and efficient way to engage with potential candidates. 

This guide will explore mobile recruiting and how recruiters can build a mobile-first strategy for their practices.

What is mobile recruiting?

Mobile recruiting involves using mobile devices to attract, engage, and hire potential candidates.

It involves optimizing recruitment activities for mobile platforms. It lets candidates easily access job postings, company information, and application forms from their smartphones or tablets.

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Mobile recruiting has become a crucial part of a company’s digital recruitment strategies as it keeps up with the shift in candidate behavior.

What is mobile recruiting
What is mobile recruiting?

Comparing traditional vs. Mobile recruitment

Traditional and mobile recruitment strategies can both optimize recruitment by attracting, screening, and hiring the right candidates.

What separates them is the approach they take in reaching this aim.

Traditional recruitment methods mainly rely on offline channels and face-to-face interactions. It utilizes print advertisements, word-of-mouth referrals, and manual processes to get suitable staffing.

Changes in recruitment trends and strategies have affected the effectiveness of traditional recruitment. An organization’s pool is only for limited candidates, lessening the chances of hiring the best ones.

In contrast, mobile recruiting utilizes mobile technology to streamline and optimize recruitment activities. Companies can reach a larger pool of candidates and increase the chances of finding the right talent through this method.

Advantages of mobile recruiting

Mobile recruiting offers several advantages that benefit both employers and job seekers. These advantages include:

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Increased candidate engagement

Mobile recruitment provides candidates easy access to job postings, company information, and application forms directly from their mobile devices.

This convenience promotes engagement as candidates can explore opportunities at their convenience, increasing the likelihood of applying for a position.

Expanding reach and visibility

With the ubiquity of mobile devices, companies can reach a larger and more diverse audience by optimizing their recruitment efforts for mobile devices.

Moreover, it opens an employer’s opportunity to active and passive candidates.

This wider exposure increases the chances of attracting qualified candidates who may not have otherwise encountered the job opportunity.

Faster and more efficient application process

Mobile recruiting allows candidates to submit their applications easily through mobile devices.

Applicants can complete the process quickly through mobile-optimized application forms, streamlining the recruitment process for both the candidate and the employer.

Enhanced employer branding

Adopting a mobile-first strategy for recruiting demonstrates a company’s commitment to innovation and adaptability. This portrayal of the organization as forward-thinking and technologically advanced enhances its employer brand.

Candidates are more likely to be attracted to companies that embrace modern recruitment practices.

Better candidate experience

Mobile recruiting offers a seamless and user-friendly experience for candidates. They can easily navigate job listings, learn about the company culture, and submit applications.

By prioritizing mobile recruitment, employers create a positive experience for candidates. This, in turn, boosts their perception of the company and increases the likelihood of successful hires.

Better candidate experience
Advantages of mobile recruiting

Limitations in mobile recruiting

While mobile recruiting offers significant advantages, there are also limitations to consider.

Limited screen space

One of the primary limitations of mobile recruiting is the limited screen space available on mobile devices.

Mobile screens are much smaller than traditional desktop or laptop screens. It can be challenging to fit comprehensive job descriptions and other key information into a smaller space. 

In addition, not all job posts through mobile can be as visually impressive as those made via desktop devices.

Companies must carefully consider how to prioritize information on mobile platforms. They must provide access to essential details that candidates need to make informed decisions.

Apart from this, it’s best to start drafting job posts through a desktop. This allows them to modify the interface and UX designs of their pages for better presentation.

Connectivity issues

While advancements in technology have made internet connectivity more accessible, connectivity issues are still a significant challenge for mobile recruiting.

Not all job seekers have reliable internet access, particularly in areas with poor connectivity or low data availability. This can result in difficulties for candidates accessing job listings or submitting applications.

To tackle this limitation, recruiters must consider alternative channels or options for interested candidates to apply.

This includes offline applications, downloadable application forms, and walk-in interviews for those available for on-site hiring.

Compatibility across devices

Another limitation of mobile recruiting is compatibility across different devices and operating systems.

With the vast array of devices, recruiters must prioritize optimizing their mobile recruiting efforts to accommodate different devices and platforms. This ensures that their recruitment efforts offer all candidates a seamless and user-friendly experience.

Companies must consider both the design and functionality of mobile-optimized platforms so all features can work across devices and operating systems.

Sensitivity in conversations

Mobile communication tools, such as text messaging, provide a convenient and efficient way to communicate with candidates. However, it lacks the personal touch of face-to-face or video interviews.

This strategy even risks confidentiality in terms of disclosing offers and pay range.

When making job offers and discussing pay ranges, employers should consider having another channel or meeting the applicant in person.

Mobile recruiting tools

To effectively implement a mobile recruiting strategy, companies can leverage various tools and technologies designed to simplify the process. 

Here are some of the tools available:

Mobile-optimized career sites

Mobile-optimized career sites such as Glassdoor, Indeed, and LinkedIn are crucial for providing candidates with a seamless user experience when exploring job opportunities.

These websites are designed to adapt to different screen sizes, load quickly, and offer an intuitive interface.

Optimizing your career site for mobile devices ensures candidates can easily access job listings, company information, and application forms from their smartphones or tablets.

Mobile recruiting apps

Mobile recruiting apps provide a dedicated platform for recruiters to manage the recruitment process from smartphones or tablets. These apps offer various features, including job posting, resume screening, and applicant tracking.

Mobile recruiting apps enhance efficiency and productivity by enabling recruiters to access candidate information and perform recruitment tasks on the go.

Social media pages

Social media platforms have become popular for mobile recruiting, allowing companies to reach a vast audience of potential candidates.

Platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter provide opportunities to showcase your employer brand, promote job openings, and engage with candidates.

Through social media recruitment, recruiters can expand their reach and connect with passive job seekers who may not actively be searching for opportunities.

According to StandOut CV, a staggering 79% of job seekers use social media in their job search. Meanwhile, 91% of employers already utilize social media platforms as a part of their recruitment strategy.

Social media pages

Text recruiting

Text recruiting involves using SMS or text messaging to connect and guide candidates throughout the recruitment process. This tool allows real-time interaction, providing timely updates, interview reminders, and quick responses to candidates’ questions or concerns.

Text recruiting is particularly effective for reaching candidates who may not regularly check their email or are more responsive to text messages.

Most people open every text message they receive, and texts have higher open rates compared to 20% for emails.

Location-based ads

Location-based ads target candidates based on their geographic location, utilizing GPS or beacons. These ads are displayed on mobile devices when candidates are near specific locations, such as company offices or job fairs. 

Utilizing location-based ads can help recruiters target their audience effectively. With this, job opportunities reach nearby candidates who are potentially more interested.

Ways to make mobile recruiting effective

Mobile recruiting has revolutionized how companies attract and engage with potential candidates. Addressing the limitations and utilizing the available tools effectively to build and implement a successful mobile-first strategy is essential.

The following are the key strategies to maximize the effectiveness of mobile recruiting:

Optimize job listings for mobile

Job listings should be concise, visually appealing, and easy to read on mobile devices.

Use bullet points, clear headings, and highlight key information to ensure candidates can quickly understand the job requirements and decide if they are a good fit.

Simplify the application process

Make the application process as straightforward as possible by minimizing the number of steps and required fields. Utilize autofill features and integrate with platforms like LinkedIn to streamline the application process further.

Utilize video interviews

Video interviews save time and resources by allowing initial screening to be conducted remotely. Candidates can complete video interviews using mobile devices, providing flexibility and convenience.

Engage with candidates through mobile messaging

Mobile messaging platforms, such as SMS or online chat, can be used to interact with candidates throughout the recruitment process.

These channels allow real-time communication through timely updates and quick answers to basic concerns.

Leverage mobile analytics

By utilizing mobile analytics tools, recruiters can gain insights into candidate behavior, application drop-off points, and the overall performance of their mobile recruiting efforts.

These insights enable continuous improvement and optimization of the mobile recruiting strategy.

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About Derek Gallimore

Derek Gallimore has been in business for 20 years, outsourcing for over eight years, and has been living in Manila (the heart of global outsourcing) since 2014. Derek is the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, and is regarded as a leading expert on all things outsourcing.

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