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What outbound email marketing can do for your business

What outbound email marketing can do for your business

Anyone with an email account is no stranger to outbound marketing. They are messages from people or brands you don’t know trying to start a conversation about their solutions. 

You may have ignored it, but when done right, it can put a business forward and become an avenue for growth.

Companies worldwide are leveraging email channels to reach more customers and jumpstart their buying journey. Email users worldwide are projected to grow to 4.6 billion by 2025. This large volume of potential audiences can present great opportunities for business growth. 

Additionally, email is a fantastic way to grow your business – and keep clients happy. In fact, email ROI is an impressive $36 for every $1 spent, as found by a study.

Entrepreneurs and businesses who want to tap into this strategy to boost their brand can learn more about a valuable type of email marketing in this article. 

What outbound email marketing can do for your business

What is outbound email marketing

Outbound email marketing is a type of direct marketing that lets you reach people who don’t know about your product or service. You can use it to connect with potential customers and gauge their interest in your product or service.

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Inbound vs. outbound email marketing

There are two main types of email marketing, namely, inbound and outbound. Let’s differentiate the two to further your understanding of email marketing. 

Inbound marketing is based on creating valuable content and experiences tailored to a specific audience’s interests. This type of marketing strategy involves nurturing leads through targeted content before encouraging them to convert into customers. 

On the other hand, outbound email marketing is designed to attract new customers by reaching out to prospects with little to no knowledge of your company.

Outbound campaigns can be considered unsolicited mail that takes more effort than inbound strategies, like lead nurturing or content marketing. 

However, you might find outbound emails perform better at drawing new people into your funnel than other channels and provide visitors with a warmer and more informed welcome to your website or app.

Creating an engaging email marketing strategy will involve a good strategy, content, audience segmentation, and other forms of preparation. Some brands opt to outsource email marketing to free up their time and focus on their core competencies instead. 

How outbound email marketing helps your business

Here are three different ways that outbound email marketing can help your brand shine.

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Reach new customers

Outbound email marketing is a great way to reach people who are interested in your business. It enables you to target specific audiences, such as people who have shown interest in your product or service or those with similar interests.

Outbound email marketing allows you to build relationships with customers by providing them with value through useful information and offers that relate to their needs. This helps you build trust and credibility, which will help drive sales down the line when they’re ready for it!

How outbound email marketing helps your business

Deploy campaigns more easily

Despite being around for several decades, outbound email marketing is still a powerful tool. One of the reasons behind this is its cost-effectiveness. 

Email marketing is a campaign that does not require postage, ad space, or print. It is a great way to reach your customers and build relationships with them while spending less money on advertising. It is also easy to share, making it great for word-of-mouth marketing. 

Additionally, there are tons of options out there that can help a business speed up the deployment of its email campaigns. They can automate processes or even hire an offshore team to handle this for them. 

Become more proactive

Outbound campaigns are an effective way to increase sales, allowing you to achieve your sales goals faster. It gets the message across to potential customers on your schedule instead of waiting for customers to reach out. 

Effective content will also help you build relationships with customers by providing them with value through useful information and offers that relate to their needs. 

A good strategy helps you build trust and credibility, which will help drive sales down the line when they’re ready for it. This can help speed up your progress and help you hit your marketing goals faster. 

Outbound email is an effective way to attract new customers

Outbound email marketing is a great way to get your business in front of new customers, find more qualified leads, and attract new business.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money or time on this type of marketing, and it gives you complete control over who receives an email from you. 

So if you’re thinking about trying out this strategy but aren’t sure where to start, you  can get started by studying best practices or choosing an email outsourcing partner like Sourcefit.

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About Derek Gallimore

Derek Gallimore has been in business for 20 years, outsourcing for over eight years, and has been living in Manila (the heart of global outsourcing) since 2014. Derek is the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, and is regarded as a leading expert on all things outsourcing.

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