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How real-time adherence helps contact centers

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Imagine running a contact center without knowing whether your agents are working on the right tasks at the right time. 

It would be like flying blind, with no visibility into agent activities or their adherence to schedules and performance targets.

Thankfully, real-time adherence has emerged as a game-changer for contact centers.  Although an adherence rate of 100% is impossible, most businesses still strive to operate at around 80% compliance.

Let’s dive in and discover the power of real-time adherence in contact center management.

What is real-time adherence?

Real-time adherence refers to monitoring and tracking agent activities against their scheduled tasks and performance targets.

It goes beyond conventional scheduling allowing contact centers to respond promptly to fluctuations in demand. This agile approach ensures staffing aligns with the actual needs of the business.

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Contact centers can use adherence tools to ensure agents stick to their assigned tasks and work efficiently.

young attractive female customer support phone operator working in modern office
What is real-time adherence

Importance of real-time adherence

Real-time adherence is important for several reasons:

Workforce optimization

Firstly, it helps contact centers optimize their workforce management. Monitoring agent activities concurrently ensures agents are using their time effectively and are working on the right tasks at the right time.

Compliance with service level agreements (SLAs)

Adherence ensures compliance with service level agreements (SLAs) and other performance targets. This maintains high-quality customer service and meets the expectations of customers and clients.

Enhanced responsiveness

It empowers contact centers to respond ASAP, promptly addressing customer queries and concerns. As a result, there would be heightened customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Efficiency unleashed

Gone are the days of rigid schedules. Real-time adherence lets the workforce adapt swiftly to changing priorities. 

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Cost optimization

This ability minimizes unnecessary expenses related to overstaffing by precisely aligning staff with demand. This cost-conscious approach is a boon for businesses aiming to streamline their operations.

Applications of real-time adherence

Real-time adherence has numerous applications within contact centers, such as:

Dynamic scheduling

Real-time adherence allows for creating flexible schedules that adapt to the ebb and flow of customer interactions. This ensures that the right personnel is available at the right time.

young woman using a headset at call center
Applications of real-time adherence

Task tracking

Another application is task adherence, where contact centers track whether agents are completing their assigned tasks in a timely manner.

For example, in a sales contact center, managers can use real-time adherence tools to ensure that agents follow up on leads and opportunities per their assigned priorities.

Performance monitoring

It helps keep a pulse on agent performance with real-time metrics. Tracking adherence can let you identify trends, promptly address issues, and celebrate real-time successes. 

This fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

Resource allocation

Allocate resources judiciously by utilizing real-time data on call volume and agent availability. This strategic deployment ensures that each team member is where they are needed most.

How to improve real-time adherence

Improving real-time adherence requires a combination of tools, processes, and agent engagement. 

Here are a few strategies to consider:

  1. Invest in technology and software. Implementing a robust real-time adherence solution can automate the tracking and monitoring of agent activities.
  2. Set clear expectations. Clearly communicate the importance of adherence to agents and provide them with clear and achievable targets to strive for. This helps agents understand the impact of their actions and motivates them to do their assigned tasks.
  3. Provide ongoing training and coaching. Empower your team with the skills to navigate real-time scenarios effectively. Training and coaching ensure that agents can adapt to changing priorities without compromising service quality.
  4. Foster a positive work environment. Create a work environment that encourages and supports real-time adherence. Recognize and reward agents who consistently adhere to their schedules and demonstrate high productivity.
  5. Feedback loops. Establish feedback mechanisms to gather insights from both customers and agents. This information is invaluable in refining adherence strategies, ensuring they align with the ever-evolving needs of your targets.

Track productivity with real-time adherence

Real-time adherence is a valuable tool for tracking agent productivity. Contact center managers can gain insights into agent efficiency and identify areas for improvement by monitoring their activities in real-time.

Track productivity with real-time adherence
Track productivity with real-time adherence

If an agent consistently has a high idle time, it may indicate that they are not utilizing their time effectively. This could be due to a lack of clarity in their tasks or a need for additional training.

Contact centers can improve agent productivity and overall efficiency by addressing these issues.

Monitoring adherence can also help identify patterns or trends in agent performance.

If certain agents consistently achieve higher sales numbers during specific times of the day, managers can adjust schedules to maximize productivity during those peak periods.

Overall, real-time adherence is a powerful tool for contact center management. Businesses can harness its benefits by implementing the right tools and strategies.

Embracing its power is the key to staying ahead, delivering exceptional customer experiences, and ensuring long-term success.

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About Derek Gallimore

Derek Gallimore has been in business for 20 years, outsourcing for over eight years, and has been living in Manila (the heart of global outsourcing) since 2014. Derek is the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, and is regarded as a leading expert on all things outsourcing.

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