A cybersecurity mantra once said that getting hacked is not a matter of “if’ but of “when.”
Almost everyone is on the internet nowadays, and with the rise of remote working, cybercriminals are certainly getting creative on how to launch their attacks.
HP Philippines and Pakistan Managing Director Christian Edmond Reyes warned that due to an era of a dispersed workforce “the threats and the risks of vulnerability are much higher.”
In these situations, Reyes said that having an antivirus and firewall is certainly not enough.
How to prevent cyberattacks while remote working?
“One of the points of vulnerability is usually the employee,” Reyes stated.
People could receive an innocuous email with a seemingly harmless link that can wreak havoc to the company’s systems after being clicked.
Angel Redoble, First VP and CISO for PLDT Group, added that working from home also raises the risk of being hacked from any device than an employee uses to connect to the company network. And yes, this includes even their personal smartphones!
Tech giants HP and Intel Corporation dropped some tips for employers to stop cybercriminals from getting into the company’s systems.
- Create an ongoing end-user training program instead of one-off cybersecurity seminars. This will keep employees vigilant of threats as well as help the company monitor their worker’s readiness for such attacks.
- Ensure that employees know that remote work comes with added and serious responsibilities. For one, remote workers should know when to flag your IT team. Should they contact them when they encounter something unusual or weird? Or should they look for our for more definitive instances?
- Invest in a powerful software and hardware security. Having this on hand could put the company ahead of cyberthreats and security breaches.
Tim Scyner, Director of Sitel Group Physical Security, said that “sooner or later a determined hacker will eventually get into your system.”
These tips may not stop cybercriminals from setting foot in your network but building a “maze with as many obstacles and dead end” may delay them from causing any trouble in your systems.
Cybersecurity is definitely a big concern for almost all companies, especially with everyone working away from the office. Having a good prevention strategy in place could prevent cybercriminals from taking over your systems and steealing all your data.