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Home » Glossary » Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)


What is the Department of Trade and Industry?

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is dedicated to protecting consumers’ rights and interests.

It is a government agency responsible for establishing policies and programs intended to support the Philippine economy’s growth and development.

The functions of the DTI include protecting consumer education and information distribution initiatives. Additionally, it monitors the successful implementation and enforcement of trade regulation and fair trade legislation.

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) was established in 1898 to handle local industry and foreign trade expansion. Its primary function at the time was to assist the Departments of Agriculture and Commerce in boosting National Trade and Industry.

The Department of Trade and Industry is also in charge of fulfilling the country’s aim of a globally innovative and competitive industry and service sector that contributes to economic growth, similar to the International Trade Administration of the United States.

Changes in government and agency responsibilities eventually allowed the Ministry of Trade and Industry to be established almost 75 years after its founding.

Following the People Power Revolution of 1986, it was renamed as the Department of Trade and Industry.

What is the Department of Trade and Industry

Functions of the Department of Trade and Industry

The Department of Trade and Industry is the government’s key economic accelerator in enabling creative and empowering customers. This role is based on the values of passion, integrity, creativity, competence, and competition.

These DTI actions are taken to realize its vision for 2022 of a more accessible and thriving Philippines with opportunities for work and earnings for all.

According to the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) will function to eliminate poverty and inequality through developing economic opportunities in the manufacturing and services sectors.

The DTI also aims to improve access to these possibilities, particularly for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), communities, organizations, and overseas Filipinos (OFs).

DTI must enhance local and international direct investments and the competitiveness, organizational innovation, and adaptability of industries and services to achieve these sector objectives by 2022.

Their aim is to increase access to capital, manufacturing networks, and markets.

It also improves progress, productivity, effectiveness, and security, providing customers with quality assurance in products and services.

DTI accomplished six major programs:

  • Exports and Investment Development Program
  • Industry Development Program
  • SME Development Program
  • Good Governance Program
  • Consumer Protection Program
  • Consumer Education and Advocacy Program

The vision of the Department of Trade and Industry 

The Department of Trade and Industry envisions the Philippines as a wealthy and democratic member of the international world.

The DTI is an active and leading partner in driving the Philippines toward an equitable, vibrant, and thriving economy, working in collaboration with businesses.

It has goals similar to those of the United States International Trade Administration. Its success is built on global competition, with sustainable development and economic efficiency as the foundation.

DTI commits to the values of professionalism, honesty, and transparency in all these.

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) will continue to be the public’s Agency of Choice, an organization that values creativity, innovation, and professional and personal development.

The vision of the Department of Trade and Industry

The mission of the Department of Trade and Industry 

One of the missions of the Department of Trade and Industry is to enable the business environment to reduce the cost of doing business to facilitate trade and investments.

In additional, the DTI also has goals of global competitiveness and empowering customers.

By implementing activities that support knowledgeable and attentive customers as well as cooperative and self-policing companies, DTI provides safety measures to protect the environment with excellent and safe products at reduced costs.

​​What is the purpose of a DTI registration?

To ensure that no other business or organization has the same name as everyone else’s, entrepreneurs and business leaders must register a business permit and name with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).

For sole proprietorship enterprises, DTI registration is the initial step to ensure that they may continue operating their business without any legal issues or concerns.

If you want to register your business online, you can go to DTI registration.

The certification and receipt will be emailed to your registered email address in PDF format after processing, which takes three to five days.

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About Derek Gallimore

Derek Gallimore has been in business for 20 years, outsourcing for over eight years, and has been living in Manila (the heart of global outsourcing) since 2014. Derek is the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, and is regarded as a leading expert on all things outsourcing.